We've all been faced with a situation where the friend we've gone out with is no longer fit to drive (due to alcohol abuse or other substances with a similar effect). If you are in state to drive his car and bring him safely back home, BOB cover steps in and covers your civil liability as a "BOB". In other words, it covers the material damage you could cause to your friend's vehicle when you drive him home (reminder: damage to third parties are covered by your friend's car insurance).
Have you volunteered to be the party's "BOB" and are therefore safe to drive? Your friend isn't, and you're driving home safe and sound? Congratulations! Thanks to BOB cover, you can drive home worry-free: BOB cover provides protection against the financial consequences of an accident while driving your friend's vehicle.
In the belief that real-life examples speak louder than definitions, here are some of the most common uses of the cover: