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Travel and Assistance

Assists you in case of accident or illness wherever you are in Europe, and also when you are back home.

Assistance during your travels.
By your side in the event of a medical problem or accident.
All over Europe.

Is a Travel and Assistance cover for you?

Why do you need a Travel and Assistance cover?

Travel & Assistance cover is useful for protecting you against the risks and costs associated with unforeseen events, such as the loss of your official documents, an accident or illness while travelling anywhere in Europe. You benefit from medical assistance and repatriation if necessary. Whether it's a monthly city trip or a trip lasting several weeks.

When do you need a Travel and Assistance cover?

Travel & Assistance cover doesn't just cover you when you're travelling in Europe. Life sometimes throws up unpleasant surprises when you're out and about, or you may need urgent help in the event of an incident at home. In such cases, asking for help is the first step towards solving your problems. That's why SWINZ Travel & Assistance coverage supports you 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Our operators, doctors, experts and network of professionals are at your side, dedicated to your well-being.

What is covered and what isn't?

In the belief that real-life examples speak louder than definitions, here are some of the most common uses of the cover:

The main things that are covered

  • Travelling: lost your identity card? Break your leg skiing and need to be airlifted by helicopter? A severe allergy sends you to hospital but you don't speak Spanish? We can help.
  • An accident disrupts your daily life: are you unable to take your dog for a walk due to an accident? Do you have to make a huge effort to do your shopping? We can help.
  • Medical transport: following your accident, you need to visit a specialist twice a week, but you can't drive to get there? We'll provide the transport.

Some things that aren't covered

  • Existing illnesses: are you ill before you go on vacation and need to be hospitalized or repatriated during your trip?  Sorry, not covered.
  • Countries at war: are you travelling to a high-risk country or region (we follow the recommendations of the Federal Public Service Foreign Affairs)? Sorry, not covered.
  • Medical expenses in Belgium.
Check the information document (IPID)
For full details of the policy check out our terms and conditions.

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