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Personal Liability

Steps in if you accidentally injure someone or damage someone else’s goods in the course of your private life. Also known as Family Liability.

Whether it's you, your partner or your children.
Whether it's your pets.
All over the world.

Is a Personal Liability cover for you?

Why do you need a Personal Liability cover?

Accidents can happen, often in the most ordinary situations. Like when you or a family member accidentally damage a friend's property at a party, your dog attacks the mailman or you injure someone during an activity with friends. If you're held accountable, the Personal Liability covers the potentially high costs incurred.

When do you need a Personal Liability cover?

When you start living independently, you're no longer covered by your parents' insurance. From that moment on, if you or a member of your household inadvertently causes damage, not having insurance can have significant financial consequences.

What is covered and what isn't?

In the belief that real-life examples speak louder than definitions, here are some of the most common uses of the cover:

The main things that are covered

  • Your pet: you're out walking your dog and he bumps into a cyclist? Has your cat broken into your neighbor's house and torn the curtains? Covered.
  • Hobbies: playing soccer in the park with your friends and kicking someone in the nose instead of scoring? Covered.
  • Model enthusiast: you or someone in your family is playing with a remote-controlled car and the car hits a pedestrian? Covered.
  • Occasional paid jobs: when you or one of your children babysit at your neighbor's house, you spill your drink and stain hisstate-of-the-art chair? Covered.

Some things that aren't covered

  • Deductible: you pay the first 309,32 EUR of each claim (amount indexed in January).
  • Damage to your own belongings: you spill your drink and stain your own chair? Sorry, not covered.
Check the information document (IPID)
For full details of the policy check out our terms and conditions.

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